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Look to SA Thatchers for referrals for Expert Thatch Roof Construction

South Africans from all walks of life enjoy having thatched roofs on their properties. At the Thatcher’s Association of South Africa, we strive to provide the general public leading information on thatched roof construction in South Africa. Through our collaborative efforts, we also work to uphold the high standards of practice for the industry that it has become known for.

Feel free to use our website as a tool to educate and enlighten yourself about the standards and requirements of the thatched roof construction industry in South Africa. Our website can also be used as a point of contact between professional thatchers and members of the public.

About the Association

South African thatchers are world-class.

We are proud of our association and take great pride in our role as an industry watchdog. This is a result of our industry experience and also because we have some of the best thatched roof construction professionals in the industry. We are available to help the public learn more about the industry, and partner with leading professional service providers.

Our organization dates back to 1997,  and we have a rich history of service of which we are exceedingly proud.

Contact SA Thatchers to learn more about the thatched roof construction sector in South Africa, and for all th information you need.


Want to learn more about thatched roofs?

How to take care of your thatched roof

Get the guide to good thatching practice.

Key issues relating to fire protecton of thatched roofs

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The following publications  are available in PDF format and can be ordered from the TASA office:

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